Wednesday marks the start of BTCF’s 45 Day Whole Food and Performance Challenge. We’re measuring five metrics with the Challenge and everyone (who shows up!) gets to participate in two of them.
Tuesday is our Endurance/Bodyweight Baseline Fitness Test, enjoy!
500m Row
Duck Walk
20 OHS
10 Superman to Hollow Hold
5 Wall Walks
Three Mini-WODs! Measured time and rest for each portion of class.
• 3min Work, 1min Rest of
Squats, Pushups, Situps, Burpees
o Rest 4 min
• 3 x 200m Run
o Rest 5 min
• Death by 10m
– Bring chalkboard along with you for each portion of the workout and record totals, times and score for each portion.
– Partner up on 200m Run: Partner A takes off at zero, Partner B takes off at minute two, etc.