It’s CHALLENGE KICK-OFF WEEK at BTCF! Wednesday marks the start of two challenges…
a) The 45 Day Whole Food & Performance Challenge: Informational packets are at the gym about the WF&P Challenge or speak with Jillian or Tricia to get more information.
b) Challenge #2 is a bit more straight forward…
30 Day Double Under Challenge: Max Reps in 4min
– This challenge is for EVERYONE. While we all cannot claim the top spot, this is something everybody can participate in. Prizes will go to the Top Male, Top Female and Honorable Mention at the end of 30 days (Feb 15).
Challenge Board! The white board on the north end of the gym (by the newer windows) will be our challenge board. Record your 4min of Double Unders on the board with your name and date. We encourage you to try this a few times over the 30 days, record your improvements over time (honorable mention: hint, hint).
1min Jump Rope
15 Situps
15 Back Extensions
15 Tuck Jumps
10 Wall Walks
200m Run
+ Stretching
4min Max Reps Double Unders
– let’s get this challenge started right, yeah?
EMOM 5 Front Squats x 10 minutes
This is a (really) belated birthday workout request from Kara… we big time missed the date, sorry about that! But here we have it now and just in time to break in those new 20/24/30″ boxes!
Kara’s Belated Bday WOD
26 – 20 – 14 of
Plank Jacks
Box Jumps