Home / W.O.D. / 02-12-14 Wednesday WOD

Warm Up
30 squats, 20 arm circles, 10 shoulder pass through, 10 good mornings
Group 400m run

Week 3 Deadlift and Bench

Partner Angie plus 2k row
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Situps
100 Squats
PLUS 2k row….broken into any number of sets with max distance 400m at one time.
** Complete the work as a team, i.e. 100 pullups between the two partners – any combination – Partners do not need to complete equal work but each partner needs to complete a min of 25 reps of each exercise (and the other partner can complete the remaining 75 reps)
** Both partners can be rowing at the same time, max 400m each.
** Partners cannot move onto the next exercise until all reps are complete but you can move to the rower at any time.

After Party
50ft of Broad Jumps
100 sit ups

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