Margaret’s Birthday WOD…she’s young at heart, folks! Jillian and I were thinking of how to incorporate some things Margaret loves and hates into this WOD. And to her credit, I couldn’t think of anything she hates because she is a pillar in the gym and comes in every day to do the work – no questions asked. So we modified the WOD we did last year for her big day and made it a bit suckier! Enjoy!
Warm Up
Row 500m
CF warm up 10 x 1
Run 400M
CF Warm up 10 x 1
Margaret Bday WOD
Partner WOD, 28min AMRAP
7 Burpee Pullups
7 Push press 115/75
7 Situps
7 Power snatch 115/75
– work while partner rests
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