Home / W.O.D. / 07/07/2024 Sunday’s Workout


3 Scap Pull-Ups
3 Scap Push-Ups
3 Push-Up to Down Dog


3 Vertical Jumps (Soft Landing in ¼ Squat)
3 Reps of Lunge-Lunge-Squat
3 Slow DBL DB or KB Deadlifts


10 Toes to Bar or Toes to Something
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Push-Ups or Knee Push-Ups
40 Walking Lunges
200m DB Farmer Carry (Athlete Choice)

*Option to Wear 20/14 Weight Vest

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

(Score is Total Time)


2-3 SETS
:30/:30 Half Pigeon on Box
15 Glute Bridge-Ups + :30 Glute Bridge Hold
100m EZ Walk

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

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Today is our beloved Coach Shelley’s birthday! 🎉 We hope she has the best birthday day, month, year, and life ever. What a glorious day to celebrate one of our favorite people 💕

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio #BirdtownBirthday
Today is our beloved Coach Shelley’s birthday! 🎉 We hope she has the best birthday day, month, year, and life ever. What a glorious day to celebrate one of our favorite people 💕 #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio #BirdtownBirthday
3 days ago
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Hey there! Ready to crush it this weekend? Let’s hit those workouts hard and make each rep count! You’ve got this! 💪

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
Hey there! Ready to crush it this weekend? Let’s hit those workouts hard and make each rep count! You’ve got this! 💪 #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
4 days ago
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So happy for Coach Spencer and Maddison for becoming parents and welcoming precious Elaine into the world. The Birdtown Strength community is so happy for you all 💕 

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #RedefiningStrength #WeAreBirdtown #BirdtownBaby
So happy for Coach Spencer and Maddison for becoming parents and welcoming precious Elaine into the world. The Birdtown Strength community is so happy for you all 💕 

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #RedefiningStrength #WeAreBirdtown #BirdtownBaby
So happy for Coach Spencer and Maddison for becoming parents and welcoming precious Elaine into the world. The Birdtown Strength community is so happy for you all 💕 #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #RedefiningStrength #WeAreBirdtown #BirdtownBaby
7 days ago
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Summer is a great time to prioritize fitness. Whether it’s indoor workouts at Birdtown Strength or outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, or biking. Finding time to stay active boosts both physical and mental well-being. 

Having your week planned out and signing up ahead of time for workouts on ZenPlanner can help you stay accountable. How do you plan to stay active this summer?

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
Summer is a great time to prioritize fitness. Whether it’s indoor workouts at Birdtown Strength or outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, or biking. Finding time to stay active boosts both physical and mental well-being. Having your week planned out and signing up ahead of time for workouts on ZenPlanner can help you stay accountable. How do you plan to stay active this summer? #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
1 week ago
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Trying to get your first pull up? Keep trying —you’re closer than you think! Every effort counts, and you’re building strength with every attempt. Need some help? Ask a coach to show you some drills. You’ve got this! 💪

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
Trying to get your first pull up? Keep trying —you’re closer than you think! Every effort counts, and you’re building strength with every attempt. Need some help? Ask a coach to show you some drills. You’ve got this! 💪 #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
2 weeks ago
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HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! This week has been pretty warm in the gym. Make sure to be drinking that water all day but keep in mind if you’re in the heat, you probably need to up your intake! 

The free popsicles in the freezer are a nice post workout treat that cool you down and give you some quick sugar to help you recover quicker 💕

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! This week has been pretty warm in the gym. Make sure to be drinking that water all day but keep in mind if you’re in the heat, you probably need to up your intake! The free popsicles in the freezer are a nice post workout treat that cool you down and give you some quick sugar to help you recover quicker 💕 #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
2 weeks ago
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A great day to get after it! Happy Monday and hope to see you in class today! It’s a good one 🚲 🔥 🏋️‍♀️

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
A great day to get after it! Happy Monday and hope to see you in class today! It’s a good one 🚲 🔥 🏋️‍♀️ #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
2 weeks ago
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We love seeing these varied weights! How much you lift is individual to you but it can also change day-to-day based on how you’re feeling physically, what workouts you’ve recently done, and how you mentally feel. There is no shame in going down in weight. Listen to your body and try using the workout’s stimulus to choose the appropriate weight. The coach will often say things like “you should be able to complete this lift in 2-3 sets”. If the weight is too heavy you, it could take 4-7 sets. You might need to strip some weight or rest a bit before performing the lift again. 

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
We love seeing these varied weights! How much you lift is individual to you but it can also change day-to-day based on how you’re feeling physically, what workouts you’ve recently done, and how you mentally feel. There is no shame in going down in weight. Listen to your body and try using the workout’s stimulus to choose the appropriate weight. The coach will often say things like “you should be able to complete this lift in 2-3 sets”. If the weight is too heavy you, it could take 4-7 sets. You might need to strip some weight or rest a bit before performing the lift again. #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
2 weeks ago
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Invest in yourself today 🔥💪

#BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
Invest in yourself today 🔥💪 #BirdtownStrength #BirdtownStrong #FunctionalFitness #BeBetter #RedefiningStrength #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #WeAreBirdtown #Lakewood #Ohio #LakewoodOhio
3 weeks ago
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Workout of the Day

  • 07/07/2024 Sunday’s Workout

    WARMUP AMRAP x 3 MINUTES3 Scap Pull-Ups3 Scap Push-Ups3 Push-Up to Down Dog Into… AMRAP x 3 MINUTES3 Vertical Jumps (Soft Landing in ¼ Squat)3 Reps of Lunge-Lunge-Squat3 Slow DBL… Continue reading


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