Home / W.O.D. / 08-06-14 Tuesday WOD

Warm UP
Samson Stretch
Shoulder Pass Through and OHS x 10
3 Second Squats (take 3 second to get to bottom of your squat and 3 seconds to get back to standing position)
Repeat – that means repeat, not stand around and chat….you know who you are!

15 minutes of work, depending on your skill level:
Kipping HSPU, 5 sets of 3 or 3 sets of 5
Handstand walks and/or bear crawl for the remaining time

Partner WOD
500m ROW
while Partner completes
5 Front Squats
Max Effort Hand Release Push Up

One partner rows 500m while the other partner completes 5 Front Squats from the floor (135/95) and ME HRPU for the remaining time it takes partner to complete the row, then switch.  Each partner in the pair will row 3 x 500m for a total of 3RFT.  Score is time to complete the work and the total number of HRPU completed by the pair.

After Party
2 x 500m row – record times on board

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