Today’s workout comes to us from the APC Summer Sizzle. This is Team Event #1. The thruster and row request come from our favorite Mr. Ryan Corbett (/Corboreti). Ryan is an irreplaceable member of the BTCF family, we really would not be here without him. Ryan, I love you! And I’m not even your wife 🙂 Happy Birthday my friend!
8/5/3 Week 1
8 Reps at 50%, 60%, 70%+
Front Squats
Row Technique
Partner WOD: Row & Thrusters
1min Row/Thrusters (Partner A/Partner B)
1min Thrusters/Row (Partner B/Partner A)
x 3 Rds / 6min Total
– weight increases three times
RX: 95/65, 115/75, 135/85
First minute athlete A row as many calories as possible while athlete B does thruster amrap 95/65. Athlete A then begins thrusters at 95/65 while athlete B rows calories. Switch at every minute Weight increases to 115/75 after both members have done the previous weight. Weight increases again to 135/85 for the final round of thrusters.
Calories will be a rolling count as well as thrusters. Score will be total calories plus total thrusters.