Upside Down WOD Week Day 2! Hopefully all of the ants are out of your pants by now and you understand the progression for the week. This WOD will be performed Tuesday event and Wednesday morning. Good luck!
Jumping Jacks
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Over the Fence
Under the Fence
x 2 Rds
Then, Mobility!
– focus on working from the bottom up – ankles, calves, shins, quads, hamstrings and hips!
Strength – Deload Week
Back Squat
3 x 8 @ 55%
“Mini Cement Mixer”
300m Run
12 Toes to Bar
Every 3 minutes for 7 Rounds
– Take off on a run at minute zero, minute 3, minute 6, etc
– If you complete the run and T2B within the three minutes, rest the remainder of the time.
– If you do not complete the run and T2B, record number of T2B each round
– 300m Run = doorway just prior to Templar Room (exit sign over door right before the cars/blue wall)