Home / W.O.D. / 10-25-2013 Friday Workout

Happy Partner Comp Day!

15 SS R&L
15 OHS w/ PVC
15 Situps
15 Superman to Hollow Hold
15 Pushups
15 Pullups
15 Dips
x2 Rds

“Sally Up” Back Squat

8min AMRAP
5 Vsitups
10 Back Ext
20 Situps
40 Mtn Climbers

Skill #2
Work your GOAT.

Now I have no idea who called a weakness a goat, but that’s what we’re going with. Today is your day to take advantage of an open gym style class. 30min of programmed work followed by a 30min free for all. Don’t mistake no programming to be an opportunity to jet out early. Sure you can do that, it’s your choice. However, you have a coach ready and willing to help. You have an opportunity to pick up a barbell and get strong. Work those pistols, mobilize those hips, get upside on the wall and move. This is your time, find the coach, ask for some advice, get better.

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