Home / W.O.D. / 12-17-2013 Tuesday Workout

We are adding Snatch work into this session’s strength cycle. Similar to November’s addition of Front Squats and Squat Cleans, we’ll be using our Overhead Squat as a guideline for technique work and how to choose the appropriate weight.

Olympic Lifts like the Clean (and Jerk) and the Snatch should be practiced with an intention on technique, not raw strength. Moving beyond PVC, we will be adding some weight to the bar, but repetition and a solid foundation are key so we can throw them to you in a WOD and have faith in your technique. Remember, Mechancis, Consistency, then Intensity! Focus on the basics first and great performance will follow.

10min of:
Row, Run, Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks or Mountain Climbers!
Dynamic Stretches: Frankenstein, Over the Fence, Under the Fence
Arm Circles, Shoulder Rollouts, Upper Body Band Stretching
Plus 50 Squats, at some point within those other movements.

20 minutes to find 1RM Overhead Squat

Snatch technique

Partner WOD
8min AMRAP of
8 Power Snatches (75/55)
Toes to Bar

Partner 1 completes as many reps of T2B as possible while Partner 2 completes 8 snatches. After 8 Snatches, partners switch movements. Score is total T2B for the team.

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