Completing movements to “the standard” is vital to proper mechanics, and building strength. It also allows you to take pride in your numbers / times on the board. Cheating reps and getting a faster time is B.S. You can NO REP yourself any day and we encourage it. You know a quality movement from an “eh, that counts, right?” rep. Well, welcome to today’s Partner NO REP WOD
Warm Up
Samson Stretch
then perform 20 reps, any combination of:
Push up
Roll out on the bar and perform ankle mobility, finish with a 400M RUN
5 x 5 Deadlift: Snatch grip or Sumo Deadlift
Perform 5 sets of 5 deadlifts, each set getting heavier, 5th set at approx 90% 5RM
Squat Clean (135/95)
C2B Pull ups
Partner A works and Partner B judges the WOD for form and movement standards, calling NO REP when applicable.
Between you and your partner, set a standard for pullups and the “judge” adheres to this standard and calls NO REP when needed.
Complete rounds of 9, 15 and 21 GOOD reps.
Partners Switch and Partner B completes the WOD being judged by Partner A.