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Posts by Admin
12-12-15 Saturday WOD
Strength 12 min 2RM Press (from the floor) 12 min Heavy Split Jerks…technique driven WOD 3K ROW
/ W.O.D.
120715 Monday WOD
It’s Deload WEEK!!! Warm up with some exercises SKILL – what? learn something? WOOO!!!! Technique drills on pull ups and rowing Dedicated time bettering these skills. For every level. WOD… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
120215 Wednesday WOD
Skill Split jerk technique Strength Presses, wk3 with 10 split Jerks WOD 5 pullups 10 situps 15 KB Swings 12 min AMRAP
/ W.O.D.
113015 Monday WOD
Strength Benchpress, wk 3 close out with 20 empty bar bench press (with perfect form) WOD 3RFT 500m ROW 12 Hang Power Clean (175/125*) 50 DU *these HPC are meant… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
112515 Wednesday WOD
Press week 2 6 x 70% 6 x 80% 6 x 85% 10 x Split Jerks 85% all should be able to be taken from the floor…you can do it!… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
111615 Monday WOD
SQUAT wk 6, day 1 WOD Partner WOD 3RFT 10 Ground to Overhead 95/65 250 row
/ W.O.D.
111415 Saturday WOD
Skill Burgener warmup WOD 12min AMRAP 3 snatches (135/105) 6 clean and jerks 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups 54 double-unders (scale = 54 singles)
/ W.O.D.
111315 Friday WOD
Oooooo….It’s Friday the 13th! WOD 8min AMRAP 8 Thrusters 12 Pushups SQUAT 6 sets 3 FS / 6 BS @ 94% of 85% After Party 3min Airdyne for Max Calories
/ W.O.D.
111215 Thursday WOD
Skill Healthy Shoulders 100 Banded Tricep Ext 4min Total Plank WOD Max Bdywt Bench Press (or scale to 3-5 reps) 25 WallBalls (20/14, 10’/9′, unbroken) x 5 Rds NOT FOR… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/02/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Row/Bike/Ski10 Good Mornings10 Scap Pull Ups10 Shoulder Taps5 Push Up to Pike Into… 1 ROUND1:00 Row/Bike/Ski10 DB Deadlifts10 SeeSaw Rows10 Up-Downs5 Tempo Push-Ups (31X1) Into… 1 ROUND1:00… Continue reading
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