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Posts by Admin
2-22-14 Saturday WOD
WOD 10min AMRAP, 2 min rest then 3 min AMRAP starting over with 5 HSPU, record two AMRAP scores 5 HSPU 10 T2B 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
/ W.O.D.
2-21-14 Friday WOD
Warm up jumping jacks frankenstein crab walk bear crawl Skill: Fun accessory work to get strong! DB work: Bent over row, lunging single arm press, kneeling single arm press WOD… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
02-19-14 Wednesday WOD
Warm Up SS shoulder pass through OHS push ups V-sits Squats Strength Deload week: Press and DL WOD 7min AMRAP 10 power cleans and 10 OHS (115/75) After Party 200m… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
02-12-14 Wednesday WOD
Warm Up 30 squats, 20 arm circles, 10 shoulder pass through, 10 good mornings Group 400m run Strength Week 3 Deadlift and Bench WOD Partner Angie plus 2k row 100… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
02-11-14 Tuesday WOD
Warm Up Flip Card: squats, pushups, lunges and jumping jacks We will flip cards in the deck and the number on the card (ignoring the suits) is how many reps… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
2-3-14 Monday WOD
February Fundamentals Course starts today! Welcome to Birdtown! Warm up 250m row 10 Good mornings 10 OHS 10 Pushups 10 Pull ups x 2 Strength Week2: Deadlift and Press WOD… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
1-30-14 Thursday WOD
WarmUp OHS x 20 Situp x 30 Run 400M DU x 50 Run 400M Situp x 30 Pullup x 20 Strength Week 1 Press and Back Squat WOD 2010 Sectionals… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
1-29-14 Wednesday WOD
WARM UP Samson stretch 25 OHS Frankensteins 25 Push-ups 25 V-sit or GHD sit-ups Stretch or repeat warmup STRENGTH Front rack weighted lunges, 5×25 ft Increase weight each round WOD… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/02/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Row/Bike/Ski10 Good Mornings10 Scap Pull Ups10 Shoulder Taps5 Push Up to Pike Into… 1 ROUND1:00 Row/Bike/Ski10 DB Deadlifts10 SeeSaw Rows10 Up-Downs5 Tempo Push-Ups (31X1) Into… 1 ROUND1:00… Continue reading
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