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Posts by Admin
01-22-14 Wednesday WOD
One week into The 45-day Whole Food and Performance Challenge! Warmup 400m jog 20 squats x 2 then stretching and working on pull ups….strict, jumping, dogbone, weighted…the possibilities are endless!… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
1-20-14 Monday WOD
Warm up 50 squats 40 situps 30 light weight wall balls 20 push ups 200M run Skill HSPU WOD 10 HSPU 20 Situps 30 Ballslams 20 Hang Cleans (135/95) 10… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
1-18-2014 Saturday WOD
WOD 60 situps 50 wall balls 40 KB Swings 20 HR Burpees 10 KB Snatches Chipper is interrupted every two minutes with 3 C2B Pullups
/ W.O.D.
01-16-14 Thursday WOD
Today’s WOD is Grace – the second Performance component of the 45-day Whole Food and Performance Challenge. Warm UP 400m row, 300m row, 200m row 10 push ups 10 squats… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01-09-14 Thursday WOD
Warm Up 300m Row, Pullups, Dips, OHS, stretch, 300m Row Strength Deadlift WOD 17min AMRAP 40 Mt climbers 30 FlutterKicks 20 Bicycle crunch 10 Ball slam
/ W.O.D.
1/7/14 Tuesday WOD
This is Week 4 of the Wendler 5/3/1 program: Deload week. You will see WOD’s posted this week with moderate weights and references to percentages from your Strength Cycle worksheet…. Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
WOD 1/6/14 Monday
WARM UP Samson stretch OHS Frankenstein Push-ups V-sit or GHD sit-ups STRENGTH Deload week: Bench Press WOD 20 KB snatch 20cal row 50 DU x 3RFT
/ W.O.D.
WOD 1/4/14 Saturday
Strength Press or make up Saturday WOD 200m run 2 rope climbs 12 KB Swing 12 Goblet Squats 12 min AMRAP
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/02/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Row/Bike/Ski10 Good Mornings10 Scap Pull Ups10 Shoulder Taps5 Push Up to Pike Into… 1 ROUND1:00 Row/Bike/Ski10 DB Deadlifts10 SeeSaw Rows10 Up-Downs5 Tempo Push-Ups (31X1) Into… 1 ROUND1:00… Continue reading
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