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07/23/2024 Tuesday’s Workout
WARMUP 3 ROUNDS:30 Bike* (Increase RPM’s each round)10 Glute Bridge10 Slow Leg Lowers10 Tuck-Up10 Samson Stretch10 Scap Pull-Ups10 Hanging Leg Raise with Slow Lower WORKOUT 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME20/15 Cal… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/22/2024 Monday’s Workout
WARMUP MOBILITY ROUND (COACH LED)5 Inchworm + Push Up5 Bootstrapper Squats10 Bird Dog10 Piked Toe Taps10 Air Squats Into… 2 ROUNDS7 RDL7 High Pulls7 Muscle Cleans7 Strict Press –> Push… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/21/2024 Sunday’s Workout
WARMUP 4 ROUNDS:20 Bike*:10 Rest *Increasing pace (EZ → Mod → Hard → Sprint) Into… 2 ROUNDS10 Banded Pull Aparts10 Scap Pull-Ups10 KB Sumo Deadlift:10 Tuck Hold Into… 1-2 ROUNDS20… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/20/2024 Saturday’s Workout
WARMUP MOBILITY (COACH LED)5 Down Dog to Cobra5/5 Groiner with Twist5/5 Samson Lunge5/5 Cat-Cow5 90/90 Rotations AMRAP X 8 MIN:20 Bottom of WB Squat Hold10 WB Push Press10 WB Front… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/19/2024 Friday’s Workout
WARMUP 1-2 ROUNDS (COACH LED)10/10 Forward/Backward Arm Circles5/5 Moose Antlers10 Alt. Groiners w/hip circles10 Alt. Step-Overs10 Kang Squats Into… AMRAP x 4 MINUTES4 Low Landing Box Jumps4 Empty BB Clean… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/18/2024 Thursday’s Workout
WARMUP 2 ROUNDS12/10 Cal Bike12 Alt. Deadbugs6/6 KB/DB Suitcase Deadlift12 Scap Push-Ups12 Alt. Shoulder Taps Into… EMOM x 4 MINUTES (:40 ON / :20 OFF)MIN 1 – KB/DB Suitcase Hold*MIN… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/17/2024 Wednesday’s Workout
WARMUP 2 ROUNDS250/200m Row10 Bootstrap Squats10 Alt. Elbow Punches5 BB Strict Press5 Scap Pull-Ups Into… 2 ROUNDS250/200m Row10 Alt. Elbow Punches5 Front Squats*5 Push Press*5 Kip Swings *Combine for 10… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/16/2024 Tuesday’s Workout
WARMUP AMRAP X 10 MIN10/10 Leg Swings:20 Heel Walk:20 Toe walk1:00 Bike50 Single Unders*5 DBL DB Deadlift10 Alt Lunges** *Round 2 → 30 Double Unders**Round 2 → 10 DBL DB… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/15/2024 Monday’s Workout
WARMUP MOBILITY (COACH LED)6 Cat Cow6 Groiners + ½ Split10 PVC Pass Throughs6 Slow Arm haulers6 Bootstrappers INTO… 2 ROUNDS10 PVC Cuban Press10 Power Snatch Balance6 Snatch Deadlifts6 Hang Muscle… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
07/14/2024 Sunday’s Workout
WARMUP DYNAMIC RUNNING WARM-UP200m Run25’ Toe Walk25’ Heel Walk25’ High Knees25’ Butt Kickers25’ Alt. High Kicks25’ Figure 4 Stretch25’ Right Side Karaoke25’ Left Side Karaoke200m Run Into.. 2 SETS10/10 Bent… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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01/19/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP3 ROUNDS6 Burpee Prep*6 Lateral Step Overs6/6 Staggered Stance KB Deadlift8 Alt. Cossack Squats (Option for Goblet)10 Alt. Deadbugs *RD 1: Inch Worms + Push-UpRD 2: 6 Up-Down +… Continue reading
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