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110418 Sunday WOD
Warm UP 8 mins: 10 crawling Burpees 10 Lunge/Twist 10 Squats 20 Jumping Jacks 20 High Knees 20 Butt Kickers finish time on a bike/rower (PARTNER) RECOVERY WORKOUT AMRAP… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
10/28/18 SUNDAY WOD
Whoa- this is our FIRST SUNDAY WOD posting EVER!!!! and I’m going to add in the warm up so you can just follow right along! Warm up 800m run /… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
10/13/2018 Saturday Workout
WORKOUT FOR TIME 1000m Row 30 DB Step-Overs (50/35) (20″”) 800m Run 30 DB Step-Overs 1000m Row
/ W.O.D.
10/12/2018 Friday Workout
WARMUP STRENGTH EMOM x 12 MINUTES Min 1-4 – 5 Hang Power Snatch Min 5-8 – 3 Hang Power Snatch Min 9-12 – 1 Hang Power Snatch *Add weight every… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
10/05/2018 Friday Workout
Happy Birthday Coach Kyle! WARMUP STRENGTH OVERHEAD SQUAT 5 x 3 (31X1) WORKOUT AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 20 Alt. Lunges (R=1,L=2) 10 OH Squats (95/65) 10 Toes to Bar
/ W.O.D.
08/31/2018 Friday Workout
Warmup Skill/Strength EMOM x 10 MINUTES 2 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OH Squat 10min EMOM Workout Min 1 — 2 Rope Climbs or Alt. Single Arm Ring Row 6/6… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
08/23/2018 Thursday Workout
Warmup Skill/Strength 10 Bent Over Barbell Rows 5/5 Kneeling KB Press Workout 3min Max Meter Row 30sec Rest 3 DB Clean & Jerk (50/35) 6 T2B 3min AMRAP 30sec Rest… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
08/18/2018 Saturday Workout
WORKOUT 400m Run 12 Push Jerks (135/95) 12 Lateral Burpee Over the Bar 12 HSPU x 4 RFT / 30min Time Cap
/ W.O.D.
08/13/2018 Monday Workout
Warmup Skill/Strength Muscle Up Practice Workout 1000m Row 30 Toes to Bars 30 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”) 400m Run x 2 Rds / 25min Cap * Rain sub: no running,… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
080218 Thursday WOD
Strength Snatch DL + Hang Snatch x3 every 45 sec x 8 then Snatch 1-1-1 @ 70% 5 sets WOD 12 min EMOM 1. 14 DB Lunges (35/20) 2. Max… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/23/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Cardio Choice5 Up Dog to Down Dog10 Alt Piked Toe Tap3/3 Groiners with a Twist10 Superman Lifts10 Hollow Rocks Into 2 ROUNDS1:00 Cardio Choice10/10 DB/KB Deadlifts +… Continue reading
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