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01/22/2018 Monday Workout
Warmup Skill Session ALL the burpees Burpees Burpees to a Plate Bar Facing Bar Over Burpee Pullups Burpee Toes to Bar Burpees over a DB Workout Two Mini WODS 21-15-9… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/17/2018 Wednesday Workout
Happy (early) birthday Arun! We picked some of your favorite movements to celebrate this birthday workout with you 😉 Warmup Skill/Strength Week 3: Press 5 x 75% WM 3 x 85%… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/16/2018 Tuesday Workout
Warmup Skill/Strength Week 3: Back Squat 5 x 75% WM 3 x 85% WM ME x 95% WM Workout Cash in: 25 Burpees 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats x 5… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12/27/2017 Wednesday Workout
Warmup Skill 1 Session Snatch Technique Work Skill 2 Session Complex Power Snatch Snatch Hang Snatch OHS 1 Complex EMOM 12 min Workout 15 OHS (135/95) 15 Burpees 50 DU… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12/25/2017 Monday Workout (hint: we’re closed!)
Merry Christmas Everyone! Enjoy time with family and friends today. The gym is closed. We’ll see you bright and early Tuesday morning!
/ W.O.D.
12/13/17 Wednesday WOD
WOD 2012 Games Chipper – Partner Workout 25 OHS (155/105) 25 Box Jumps (24/20) 25 Thrusters (135/95) 25 Power Cleans (205/125) 25 Toes to Bar 25 Burpee Muscle Ups 25… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
11/23/2017 THANKSGIVING thursday
/ W.O.D.
10-27-17 Friday WOD
Strength OHS 5×8 working up to 75% alternating Superman to Hollow hold or GHD back extensions WOD buy IN 400m Run 250m Row 15 WallBalls 12 Burpee 9 HSPU 3Rounds… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
10-25-17 Wednesday WOD
WOD Sled Pull Vsits Lunges (R=1) Ballslams Pullups 50 reps each exercise. 50 reps per teammate. And 1 sled pull each teammate. Teams of 3 or 4 people
/ W.O.D.
09/12/2017 Tuesday Workout
Warmup Skill/Strength Overhead Squat + Core Accessory Work Overhead Squat 40% x 10 50% x 8, 60% x 6 70% x 4 – alternating with assigned core work Workout 15… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/23/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Cardio Choice5 Up Dog to Down Dog10 Alt Piked Toe Tap3/3 Groiners with a Twist10 Superman Lifts10 Hollow Rocks Into 2 ROUNDS1:00 Cardio Choice10/10 DB/KB Deadlifts +… Continue reading
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