Home / W.O.D. (Page 204)

  • 10/07/16 Friday WOD

    Strength Deload Bench Press WOD 25 DB OH Lunges (35/25) 25 cal ROW 25 DB Weighted Situps 25min AMRAP

  • 10/06/16 Thursday WOD

    I’m so excited for this WOD!! Strength Deload Back Squat WOD – FAT AMY (from WODConnect and Shelley!) 50 Air Squats 10 Burpees 40 Sit ups 10 Burpees 30 Lunges… Continue reading

  • 10/04/16 Tuesday WOD

    Strength Deload Deadlift WOD Mogadishu Mile Partner WOD 99 Lunges Holding KBs (one works while other rests, each has own KB) 23 Tire Flips (can flip one at a time,… Continue reading

  • 10/01/2016 Saturday Workout

    Warmup Skill/Strength Week 3: Back Squats Workout 7min AMRAP 2-4-6-8… Deadlifts (225/155) HSPU 5min REST 7min AMRAP 2-4-6-8… Power Cleans (155/115) Pistols

  • 09/30/2016 Friday Workout

    Warmup Skill/Strength Week 3: Bench Press Workout 40 Walking Lunges (R=1, L=2) 20 Burpees x 3 RFT

  • 09/29/2016 Thursday Workout

    Warmup Skill/Strength Week 3: Deadlift Workout Tabata Intervals Push Press (75/55) Situps Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55) Pushup

  • 09/28/2016 Wednesday Workout

    Warmup Skill/Strength Week 3: Front Squat Workout Partner Workout 3 Rope Climbs Row for Calories 2min AMRAP x 10 Rds – Partner A works for 2min, Partner B rests for 2min… Continue reading

  • 09/27/2016 Tuesday Workout

    Warmup Skill/Strength 30sec Work / 30sec Rest x 12 Rds -alternate each min Bicycle Crunches Flutterkicks Superman Workout 10 Toes to Bar 20 Kettlebell Swings 30 Double Unders x 5… Continue reading

  • 09/24/2016 Saturday Workout

    Warmup Skill/Strength Wall Walks Workout 5×5 Overhead Squat

  • 09/23/2016 Friday Workout

    Warmup Strength Week 2 Deadlift Workout Partner WOD 20 MB Russian Twists (10 R / 10 L) 20 MB Situps 20 MB Squat Toss 10min AMRAP Bonus: Make it harder… Continue reading


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Workout of the Day

  • 03/23/2025 Sunday Workout

    WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Cardio Choice5 Up Dog to Down Dog10 Alt Piked Toe Tap3/3 Groiners with a Twist10 Superman Lifts10 Hollow Rocks Into 2 ROUNDS1:00 Cardio Choice10/10 DB/KB Deadlifts +… Continue reading


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