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07/01/2016 Friday Workout
Warmup Strength 5×5 Overhead Squat Workout 100 Double Unders 1 mile Run 1000m Row For Time
/ W.O.D.
06/30/2016 Thursday Workout
Warmup Strength 5×5 Press Workout Grace 30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) For Time After Party
/ W.O.D.
06/29/2016 Wednesday Workout
Warmup Strength 5×5 Bench Press Workout Tabata Something Else 8 Rds Each, All WB, then Vs, etc Wall Balls V-Situps Pushups Squats After Party
/ W.O.D.
06/28/2016 Tuesday Workout
Group Warmup Strength 5×5 Back Squat Workout 5 Front Squats (135/95) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) x 5 RFT After Party
/ W.O.D.
06/27/2016 Monday Workout
Warmup Strength 4×5 Clean Deadlift Clean Technique Partner Workout 10min Max Row for Meters -switch every minute -share a rower -10min, where rower stops After Party
/ W.O.D.
06/25/2016 Saturday Workout
Happy Birthday Allie! Workout 12 Days of Christmas 1 snatch (135/95) 2 thruster 3 dead hang pull ups 4 squat cleans 50 double unders (100 Singles) 6 front squat 7… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
06/24/2016 Friday workout
WE HAVE A NEW TOY. Last Friday, you got battling ropes, tomorrow you get…. I’m not telling. Show up and see. 🙂 WARMUP SKILL/STRENGTH Muscle Ups WORKOUT 6 Muscle Ups… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
06/23/2016 Thursday workout
Warmup Skill Healthy Shoulders Strength Deload Deadlift 5×40,50,60%WM Workout 12 Russian KB Swings 12 Reverse Goblet Lunges 8min AMRAP
/ W.O.D.
06/22/2016 Wednesday workout
Wednesday morning we are opening our doors to participants from Engage! Cleveland’s 2016 Young Professionals Week. Looking forward to having y’all in the gym before a wonderful and wild day… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
06/21/2016 Tuesday workout
Warmup Skill/Strength Deload Back Squat Workout Every 3min On The Minute 250m Row 10 Burpee Box Jumps x 5 Rds
/ W.O.D.
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03/23/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP1 ROUND1:00 Cardio Choice5 Up Dog to Down Dog10 Alt Piked Toe Tap3/3 Groiners with a Twist10 Superman Lifts10 Hollow Rocks Into 2 ROUNDS1:00 Cardio Choice10/10 DB/KB Deadlifts +… Continue reading
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