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  • 091514 Monday PM and 091614 Tuesday AM WOD

    It’s Upside Down Week…which means we are flipping the schedule so the PM folks complete the WOD first and the AM folks do the same WOD the following morning. Give… Continue reading

  • 09-15-14 Monday AM WOD

    It’s Upside Down Week!!!  Meaning that the PM classes will WOD first and the AM classes will WOD last – Monday PM and Tuesday AM will have the same WOD,… Continue reading

  • 09-13-14 Saturday WOD

    Strength 15 min to work up to heavy complex 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk WOD 10 Front Squat (155/105) 15 box overs (24/20) 15 pullups 3 RFT

  • 09-12-2014 Friday WOD

    Warm up with some exercises that Jillian puts on the board Strength Back Squat week 3 WOD 50 Double Unders 16 KB Snatch (53/35) 16 minute AMRAP

  • 09/09/14 Tuesday Workout

    Warmup Tabata Jump to Target Squats Sit-ups Pushups Strength Week 3 Front Squat 8@60%, 5 @70%, ME@80% Strength 6min EMOM 2 Barbell Thruster – approximately 70% of FS Workout 5… Continue reading

  • 09-08-14 Monday WOD

    Happy Birthday JULIE!!! Strength Week 3: Press 8 x 60%, 5 x 70%, ME at 80% WOD Ladder from 10-1 Deadlilft (135/95) Hang Power Clean Push Press

  • 09-06-14 Saturday WOD

    Strength Week 2: Deadlift WOD 15 HSPU 30 Pullups 50 KB swings 100 double unders 50 KB Swings 30 Pullups 15 HSPU  

  • 09-05-2014 Friday Workout

    Warmup Exercises and MOBILITY Strength Deadlift Workout 14min EMOM 2 Curtis P’s After Party All of the Abs

  • 09-04-14 Thursday WOD

    Jordan’s WODiversary! Warm UP CF exercises and stuff Skill Front Squat, week 2 WOD Partner WOD – one works while the other rests 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 10 Rounds… Continue reading

  • 09-02-2014 Tuesday

    Hope y’all enjoyed your long weekend, time to get back at it! Group Warmup 2min Jump Rope 2min Squats 2min Pushups 2min Situps/Back Ext Bring Sally Up Strength Week 2: 5 x… Continue reading


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Workout of the Day

  • 03/09/2025 Sunday Workout

    WARM UP2 ROUNDS100M Jog8/8 Leg Swings Fwd + Back8/8 Leg Swings Side to Side10 Glute Bridge Raises10 Deadbugs10 Cossack Squats Into… 2 ROUNDS:30 Jump Rope10 KB Deadlifts8/8 Lateral Step Ups10… Continue reading


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