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12/31/13 Tuesday WOD – New Years Eve!
Warm up Row 500M 25 burpees 35 wall balls 45 squats Strength 25 minutes to complete any unfinished work from Week 2 WOD Fran 21-15-9 Thruster (95/65) Pull Ups
/ W.O.D.
12-30-13 Monday WOD
Warm up CF x 2 +good mornings Strength Week 3: Deadlift WOD 10 x 125m rowing sprints 100% effort Alternate with partner Compare times from 10/30/13 After Party Rope climbs… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12/27/13 Friday WOD
Warm up 3 x 300m on rower at 60%, 70% and 80% effort 5 minutes of mobility and stretching – this doesn’t mean stand around….if you don’t know what to… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12/24/13 Tuesday WOD
12 Days of Christmas! Bringing back a BTCF favorite – Check your weights and time from 9/21/13 to compare and give yourself a goal to beat! WOD will start promptly… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12-21-2013 Saturday Workout
Remember Saturday is the Last Minute Market so it’s going to be a very busy day at the gym and the building. You should plan to stay before or after… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12-20-2013 Friday Workout
It wouldn’t be fair to offer you a clinic on double unders and then not give you an opportunity to use them, right? Thanks to Outlaw for this lovely little… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12-19-2013 Thursday Workout
Enjoy a couple of repeat workouts this week. You’ve seen this before, July 28th. Time to revisit and see what kind of improvement can be made. With a boatload of… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12-18-13 Wednesday WOD
Warm Up – doesn’t have to be flashy to be effective, but you should be working hard and pushing your limits on OHS depth and really stretching with the shoulder… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
12-17-2013 Tuesday Workout
We are adding Snatch work into this session’s strength cycle. Similar to November’s addition of Front Squats and Squat Cleans, we’ll be using our Overhead Squat as a guideline for… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/09/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP2 ROUNDS100M Jog8/8 Leg Swings Fwd + Back8/8 Leg Swings Side to Side10 Glute Bridge Raises10 Deadbugs10 Cossack Squats Into… 2 ROUNDS:30 Jump Rope10 KB Deadlifts8/8 Lateral Step Ups10… Continue reading
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