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04-08-13 Monday WOD
Warm Up Amundson Warm up – trust me, it’s fun! Skill/Strength Review of The Jerk The Split Jerk Footwork Timing w PVC Timing w light weight WOD 250M ROW 15… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
04-03-2012 Wednesday Workout
Warmup WEAR A HOODIE BECAUSE WE’RE RUNNING OUTSIDE Skill/Strength WOD Prep! Get everyting ready for the workout. Workout “Filthy Fifty” 50 Box jump (24/20″) 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings,… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
03-30-13 Saturday WOD
Warm 10 Shoulder roll out 20 Squat 30 Flutterkick x2 Skill ROW WOD Cindy After Party Wall Sits
/ W.O.D.
03-28-2013 Thursday Workout
Warmup “Dynamic Warmup” Frankenstein Walk High Knees Butt Kickers Over the Fence Under the Fence Duck Walk x 2 Rds Skills/Strength Back Squat Review Row – Sprint Take Off Workout… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
03-27-2013 Wednesday WOD
Warmup Run – “Up, down and all around” You’ll “like” it! 15 SS R & L 15 Squats 15 Situps 15 Back Extensions x 2 Rds Skill/Strength Intro to the… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
03-25-2013 Tuesday Workout
Warmup 100 Ball Slams 100 Situps Any order or combination Skill/Strength Pullups Workout 30 Double Unders (sub Tuck Jumps) 20 Toes to Bar 10 Squat Cleans (135/95) x 4 Rds… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
3-25-13 Monday WOD
Warm Up 40 jumping jacks 30 mountain climbers 25 squats 20 pushups x 2 or 10 minutes of work Skill/Strength Deadlift 5-5-5 WOD CHRISTINE 500m ROW 12 Deadlift (bodyweight) 21… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
03-23-2013 Saturday Workout
Warmup 5min Stretching 6min Tabata of: Jumping Jacks Squats Bicycle Crunches – alternating each after each minute Skill/Strength Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) Workout 500m Row For Time 2min Max… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
03-21-2013 Thursday Workout
Warmup 20 Squats 15 Situps 10 Pushups 5 Pullups TISQ Skill/Strength Wall Ball to Standards 3min Max Reps Wall Balls workout Death By 10m Sprints – once “out,” 5 push-ups… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
03-20-2013 Wednesday WOD
Give and Take – You sign up for class; we offer a kick ass WOD. So You: Sign Up For Class! Warm up 500m ROW 25 Jumping Jacks 15 Squats… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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03/09/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP2 ROUNDS100M Jog8/8 Leg Swings Fwd + Back8/8 Leg Swings Side to Side10 Glute Bridge Raises10 Deadbugs10 Cossack Squats Into… 2 ROUNDS:30 Jump Rope10 KB Deadlifts8/8 Lateral Step Ups10… Continue reading
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