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02-11-2013 Monday WOD
Class #4 of our Fundamentals program is the agenda for all four classes on Monday. Bringing the barbell into the skills and workouts last week was a blast, we can’t… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
02-09-2013 Saturday WOD
Yes, you’re currently doing this, but I’m posting it anyways! Saturday we still post the WODs, but maybe not always the night before… Warmup SS R&L Bottom Squat Hold Donkey… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
02-04-2013 WOD
Fundamentals #1 Sorry y’all….we don’t publish Fundamentals work. Come ready to learn and work. We will warm up, learn new skills and implement them in the WOD.
/ W.O.D.
02-02-2013 Saturday WOD
Warmup 10 Samson Stretch 10 Squats 10 Situps 10 Back Extension 10 Pushups x 3 Rds Skill/Strength Wall Ball Situps Lunges Ball Slams Workout 15 Pushups 15 Wall Balls Situps… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
02-01-13 WOD
This is our final $5 WOD! Thank you all for coming out to enjoy our version of pain! February 4 begins our members only WOD’s – but don’t worry, Saturday… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01-31-2013 Thursday WOD
Warmup 10 Samson Stretch 10 Overhead Squat with PVC 10 Situps 10 Back Extension 10 Pushups x 3 Rds Skill/Strength Med Ball Squat Clean Workout 40 Flutterkicks (R+L=1) 30 Ball… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01-29-2013 WOD
Repeat #2…coming at you! You all did a fantastic job Monday and we are back to challenge you again today! This WOD first showed it’s face 1/3/2013….We will share your… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01-28-2013 WOD
This is our first repeat WOD…first completed 1.4.2013. Let’s see how far you’ve come! Warmup Jumping Jacks Run Burpees Skill/Strength Plank Superman to Hollow Hold Mountain Climbers Tuck Jumps Workout… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01-26-2013 WOD Saturday
Warmup 30 sec Jumping Jacks 30 sec Mountain Climbers 30 sec Stretching x 3 Rds Skill/Strength Squats Pushups Situps Run Workout 20 Pushups 30 Squats 40 Situps 100m Run 18… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01-25-2013 Friday WOD
Warmup 100m Run Donkey Kick Mountain Climber Dirty Dog Bottom Squat Hold Skill/Strength Squat Front Squat MB Clean Wall Ball Workout “Oh, squat! 1min Squat 1min Front Squat… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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…Workout of the Day
03/09/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP2 ROUNDS100M Jog8/8 Leg Swings Fwd + Back8/8 Leg Swings Side to Side10 Glute Bridge Raises10 Deadbugs10 Cossack Squats Into… 2 ROUNDS:30 Jump Rope10 KB Deadlifts8/8 Lateral Step Ups10… Continue reading
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