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01/27/2023 Friday’s Workout
WARMUP 3 ROUNDS1:00 Bike → :45 Bike → :30 Bike*5/5 DB Windmills10 Alt. Lunges w/PVC Pass Thru5 Jumping Air Squats w/PVC Overhead *As the Bike time decreases, let’s increase the… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/26/2023 Thursday’s Workout
WARMUP TABATA, 8 ROUNDS :20 ON // :10 OFFMVMT 1 – Banded Pull ApartsMVMT 2 – Ring RowsMVMT 3 – Single UndersMVMT 4 – Scap Pull-Ups Into… 1-2 ROUNDS (Time… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/25/2023 Wednesday’s Workout
WARMUP 3:00 Cardio Choice Into… 2-3 ROUNDS50’ Light KB Goblet hold Walking Lunges3/3 Single Leg Bridge-Ups at a 30X3* Tempo:45 Plank Hold STRENGTH Deadlift for load: 6-6-6-6* *Start Moderate-Heavy and… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/24/2023 Tuesday’s Workout
WARMUP 1:00 EZ-Mod Bike for Calories*6 Alt. Groiners + Twist15 Med Ball G2O10 PVC Pass Throughs Into… Bike*6 Cossack Squats7 Med Ball Overhead Press7 Med Ball Front Squat10 PVC Superman… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/23/2023 Monday’s Workout
WARMUP AMRAP x 3 MINUTES20 Crossbody Mountain Climbers8 Scap Push-Ups6 Knee Push-ups*4 Tall Jumps *Option for Standard Push-Ups. Into… 2 ROUNDS6 Clean Deadlifts6 Upright Rows6 Alt. Elbow Punches6 Push-Ups STRENGTH… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/22/2023 Sunday’s Workout
WARMUP MOBILITY (3:00 CAP)10 Alt. Groiners + Twist10 Scap Push-Up to Pike10 Kang Squats Into.. TABATA 8 ROUNDS (:20 ON / :10 OFF)ODD ROUNDS – Jumping Air SquatsEVEN ROUNDS –… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/21/2023 Saturday’s Workout
WARMUP EMOM x 8 MIN (:40 ON // :20 OFF)*MIN 1: EZ Row → Mod RowMIN 2: Alt. S.A. DB Deadlifts → Alt. DB SnatchesMIN 3: Single Unders → Double… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/20/2023 Friday’s Workout
WARMUP AMRAP x 3 MINUTES3 Empty Barbell Strict Press (option to add in some elbow punches)3 Empty Barbell Bicep Curls + 3 Empty Barbell Bent Over Wide Grip Rows3 Scap… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/19/2023 Thursday’s Workout
WARMUP MIN 0-3:00Arms only row – :20Legs only row – :20Arms/Body row – :20Row (20-24 spm) – :20Row (24-26 spm) – :20Row (26-30 spm) – :20Row (28-32 spm) – :20Row… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
01/18/2023 Wednesday’s Workout
WARMUP 4 SETSON A 2:00 RUNNING CLOCK…8/6 Cal Bike8 DB Good Mornings8 DB Strict Presses → DB Push Presses → Pike Push – Ups → HSPU STRENGTH Deadlift for load:6-6-6-6*… Continue reading
/ W.O.D.
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03/09/2025 Sunday Workout
WARM UP2 ROUNDS100M Jog8/8 Leg Swings Fwd + Back8/8 Leg Swings Side to Side10 Glute Bridge Raises10 Deadbugs10 Cossack Squats Into… 2 ROUNDS:30 Jump Rope10 KB Deadlifts8/8 Lateral Step Ups10… Continue reading
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