Home / W.O.D. / Optional Murph Prep Week 3

A. Conditioning

1 Mile Run

-Rest 2:30-


800m Run

-Rest 2:00-


400m Run

-Rest 1:00-


200m Run

*Just under 2 miles of running so we are basically at Murph volume! Try to keep a consistent effort/ pace through each distance. Main focus is the 1 Mile run and ensuring you can almost fully recover in that 2:30 rest window. Focus on nasal breathing to lower the HR to hit the next run with some aggression!

(Score is time for each run)

B. Strength

MIN 1 – :30 Max Pull-Ups
MIN 2 – :30 Max Push-Ups
MIN 3 – :30 Max Air Squats

*Goal is to find a movement adjustment that only forces 1 break in the :30 window. If proficient with these movements, this will be good volume work still aiming for no more than 1 break. On Air Squats complete ODD Rounds at a controlled steady pace, and EVEN Rounds at a faster pace still ensuring full ROM.

(Score is reps for each movement)

C. Strength + Conditioning

800m Run

Into Athlete’s Choice (Pick ONE)…

10 Sit ups
20 Push-Ups
30 Air Squats


5 Sit ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats


800m Run

*Similar to what we saw at the end of last week with a bit more volume. If bodyweight ninjas, try to work the bigger sets of 10-20-30 and see if you can maintain consistent rounds. If last week was tough, stick to the smaller rounds of 5-10-15 and still focus on keeping rounds around 1:00-1:30.

(Score is time)

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