Home / Weekly Updates / Week 13 Communication: June 7, 2020

The climate has changed drastically in the past weeks and we would be remiss if we passed up an opportunity to speak up and stand up with our friends and neighbors and our right to protest. Birdtown has always been a no judgement zone. Our #1 rule is the DBD Principle – aka The Golden Rule, aka Be Nice. But within that rule lies the foundation of unity, respect, equality and inclusivity. And above all else we stand proudly with you – each and every one of you – and today we stand with Black Lives Matter. We stand against divisiveness, disrespect, inequality and exclusivity.

Adapt and Expand
We are so grateful to you – this week in the gym has been awesome. Thank you for being so gracious and patient with us as we all navigate working out in stations and new cleaning protocols. We are excited to offer larger classes in this coming week. Our main objective in the soft open was to make sure we could keep safe and disinfected – and get momentum and energy back in the gym. We’re happy to expand from six to eight athletes per class beginning on Monday, June 8.

ZenPlanner Waitlist remains in place – please use it! If you’re on Waitlist, check back one hour before class and see if you’ve been put into a Reserved position. There is no text or notification in ZP, you have to refresh the ZP App and check. Using Waitlist is helping us trend demand and make our next moves so please use it and offer feedback via email, text, etc. We are choosing the next best step weekly, if not daily. We are happy to receive feedback to help inform those decisions.

Rebuild Programming
We know many of you kept up your fitness while the gym was on hiatus, but it’s been a while since you’ve held a barbell and felt the energy from your fellow athletes. NCFIT has put together a great 3-week program to REBUILD. We’re taking the first three weeks of June to focus on rebuilding out athletes and getting acclimated to being back in the gym. You will see workouts with high intensity and moderate weights, but not overly complex this first week back. We saw some movements we’re used to like front squats and pushups, and some that we’ve been missing like barbell push presses and toes to bar. You’ll see additional movements introduced in over the next two weeks to a lign with the forty-five minute classes. Our goal here is to have challenging workouts that REBUILD and refresh your muscle memory.

Clean Up Everyone – Everywhere – Please
You all have been amazing! We have always had a strong focus on wiping up and leaving the gym cleaner than you found it. We will continue with the new cleaning protocols in place. Please don’t forget odd spots like the rig where you were leaning on after your pullup set. Please clean the floor too; pools of sweat were always a thing, now it’s just being more diligent about additional areas that may not be so obvious like where you did hollow holds or pushups/burpees.

Caged Bird Shirts
T-shirts have arrived! Athletes who pre-ordered will have shirts available to them and set aside near the front desk. When you take your pre-order, please let a coach know so we may mark them as received. There are a few extra shirts, if you’re interested, sign them out with coach or on the ipad. The remaining stock of shirts are $15 each, first come, first serve.

In Closing . . .
Thank you for making our first week into reopening a successful one. We’re back at it and looking forward to seeing your faces and catching up!

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