Home / W.O.D. / Weekly Murph Prep

Murph Prep! Scroll all the way down each Monday to see optional programming to be performed over the course of the week.

Prep A (Conditioning)

400m Run

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

*GOAL: Mirror the splits for all 4 efforts at 75-80% effort. Simply getting our feet underneath us and logging a mile on the road. We will be running 2x a week in prep for Murph.

(Score is time for each set)

Prep B Strength

MIN 1 – 12-15 Ring Rows or 5-7 Strict Pull-Ups
MIN 2 – 10 Push-Ups**
MIN 3 – 20-30 Air Squats

*GOAL: Volume building EMOM…goal here is to build volume across the 5 rounds without burdening the body with all of the volume, all at once.
**Option to complete Knee Push-Ups or option to increase reps by 2 every other round.

(Score is average reps per movement)

Prep C Strength & Conditioning

300m Run
5 Sit Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-

*GOAL: Hold consistent pace on all 6 runs…faster than your 400m pace from earlier this week. Intentional, crisp movement on all the of the BW movements. Try to accomplish unbroken if possible.

**All body weight work can be performed outside in the park if running.

(Score is slowest time)

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