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Want to talk to someone about joining? Traveling Athlete interested in visiting Birdtown Strength? Have a question about Tricia’s favorite paleo muffin recipe? Whatever it is, drop us a line by filling out the form below or you can email us directly at jillian@birdtownstrength..com or tricia@birdtownstrength.com.

    Parking, Directions & Map

    Whether you know the building as the Lake Erie Building at Templar Industrial Park or the Screw Factory, it’s our home. Don’t be intimidated by a building that’s the size of a city block, just enter through the front door on Athens and walk up the stairs straight ahead, we’re located immediately at the top of the 3rd floor. Read below for more detailed directions on finding our facility located just minutes from Interstate-90.


    Ample FREE parking is located adjacent to and across the street from the building. Parking is closest to the front door on the west end of the building. Occasionally, the gate on that lot is closed (some weekends). Our suggestion is to then park on the east end of the building as that lot is always open. In case the east and west lots are both full, try across the street at Madison Park. Remember, the easiest access to our space is through the main door on Athens Avenue, but you can access us from the Dock 1 entrance around the back as well. Enter the building near the chimney stack / maintenance entrance on the Dock 1 ramp. Use the man door to the right of the elevator and head all the way up to the third floor. At the top, turn left out of the stairwell and our door is on the other side of the elevator. walk down blue tarp alley, and join the fun.

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    Workout of the Day

    • 03/30/2025 Sunday Workout

      WARM UP200M RUN into… 25’ LINE DRILLSFloor ScrapersQuad StretchSide Shuttle (Down + Back)Toy SoldiersSamson LungesBear CrawlBurpee Broad Jump Into… 2-3 ROUNDS5 Tempo Push Ups (31X0) (RND 2+3: 8 Push Ups*)10… Continue reading


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