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Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand for a healthy lifestyle. What happens the other 23 hours of our days outside of the gym can be confusing as far as nutrition is concerned. Fad diets come and go. The internet is full of misguided information because we are all different; what works for one person may not work for someone else. Birdtown Strength is ready to help you with any of your nutrition goals. Whether it is to lose weight, lose fat or improve your performance in and outside of the gym. We offer an individualized 12-week program to help you reach your goals led by Coach Ana.

The program includes:

  • Initial consult
  • Individualized macros (if wanted)
  • Meal suggestions and recipes
  • One on one consult once a month to review progress
  • Spreadsheets to track food and biofeedback
  • Reviews and adjustment of macros based on biofeedback

If you’re interested in a smaller scale jump start, a one-time Individualized Macro option is also available.

Or talk to Coach Ana or one of our team members for more information! If you’d like to reach out via email, try info@birdtownstrength.com.

Ana has been certified through Precision Nutrition since 2016. She also currently holds a certification through the Nutritional Coaching Institute which specializes in a macro-based diet aimed at athletes. This certification deals with weight loss and metabolic adaptation and how to reverse this as well. Along with being a CF-L1 here at BTS, Ana has been an LPTA for 15 years. She also holds a certificate as a MobilityWOD Movement & Mobility Specialist and is Rock Tape certified.

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